Saturday, October 02, 2010


Do you know who Jonathan Dorf is?

Once upon a time I sent him an email asking for help;


What do I do?!

My play has no dialouge. NO DIALOUGE.

What is wrong with me?

I imagine these scenes being played out with music, but will that work?

Do I hire a band..or...learn to play the french horn? I don't know.

Silent plays can't work can they? With all of those quiet coughs and awkward shuffling noises?

Is there a way to fix this?

Help me, please.

C. young

And here is what that bastard sent in reply;


I'm sorry, but I tend to respond far better to simple, polite requests for assistance than attempts to be witty through email. Good luck.



In my defense...I was trying to be witty for HIS BENEFIT. I'm sure he gets hundreds of emails a day- I was just trying to entertain him a little.

Anyway...Jonathan Dorf is an asshole.
