Friday, August 05, 2005

stop near 'I don't care'

  Will this bus take me to the place i really want to go?
Is there a stop near 'I don't care' that I don't know about.
My transfer slip suggest not.

1 comment:

Jaya said...

I find this particularly humorous, due to Chadwick and I's known bad luck with busses. Once, however, we had been looking for just that, and found it. I'll just copy and edit from my blog...

The Chicken Bus:

Chadwick and I had built a simple list going into Mexico. Between us, we wanted these things:
*Chad - to see “Big Trouble in Little China” in Mexico
*Jaya - to eat freshly made real corn tortillas
*Chad - to see the beach
*Jaya - to reach the apex of the prison
*Both - Ride the Chicken Bus

Chad got his beach, I got to the apex and, later, my tortillas. We even saw “Big Trouble in Little China” just as we were about to cross back into America, and we got our chicken bus. We would not have gotten our chicken bus, had not our bus crashed into the side of a hill and fell over. We got out with everyone else, and Chadwick ran off to the nearby casa to empty his Pisces bladder while we waited on another bus. He barely made it back in time, but we crowded onto the bus with everyone else.

It was crazy, two full bus-loads of people crammed into one shoddy bus, so that even the middle aisle was packed shoulder to shoulder with bodies. I held onto the bars hanging from the ceilings on both sides with both hands, floating through the experience in the half-waking daze that followed leaving the Pyramid. Chadwick called out my name, and nodded his head towards the seat next to him. There sat a man holding a box with a chicken in it, it’s head sticking out through a hole in its top. Then I saw the other two chickens, and took in the entire situation. I began to laugh, and kept on laughing sporadically throughout the ride.

We’d found the Chicken Bus.